Fairy Dust Inc.

Company Stats

Ticker: FDI

Industry: manufacturing

Starting Price: $20.00

Risk: high

Expected Return: 15%

Beta: 0.5

Fairy Dust Inc. is a company that specializes in the manufacture of pixie dust. The company's primary source of revenue is from the sale of its products to fairies, but it also sells to humans who want to make their wishes come true. Their pixie dust is known for its high quality and potency, and is extracted from sustainably harvested fairy dust mines. The company is based in Neverland and is run by Peter Pan and Tinkerbell.

Example News Events

FDI announces record earnings

Effect: +36%

FDI organizes magic events for marketing

Effect: +17%

FDI acquires a local fairy dust producer

Effect: +21%

Fairy Dust Inc. reports record revenue

Effect: +56%

Fairy Dust Inc. sponsors fairy events for marketing

Effect: +14%

FDI patents new alchemy technique resulting in stronger pixie dust formula

Effect: +29%

FDI partners with another smaller fairy dust producer

Effect: +13%

FDI receives fairy industry recognition for product quality

Effect: +19%

FDI faces petition against insufficient wages for mining workers

Effect: -15%

New fairy dust product released

Effect: +24%

Fairy Dust Inc. supports to conservation initiatives

Effect: +17%

FDI reports all-time high revenue

Effect: +25%

New pixie dust product announced

Effect: +11%

Complaints lead to safety concerns for Fairy Dust Inc.

Effect: -25%

FDI faces lawsuit against unfair labor practices for mining workers

Effect: -13%

FDI confirms record earnings

Effect: +58%

New fairy dust alternative released

Effect: +20%

FDI donates to community initiatives

Effect: +25%

New fairy dust product announced

Effect: +20%

Fairy Dust Inc. stops sales of pixie dust due to unknown shortage

Effect: -16%