Zombie Defense Systems

Company Stats

Ticker: ZDS

Industry: defense

Starting Price: $35.00

Risk: medium

Expected Return: 18%

Beta: 0.9

Zombie Defense Systems is a company that specializes in developing and selling zombie defense products. Their products range from zombie-proof doors and windows to zombie-repelling fragrances and apparel. The company is based in an undisclosed location and is run by a team of survivalists who have spent years preparing for the zombie apocalypse. Their products have been featured on several popular zombie survival shows.

Example News Events

Mayor endorses ZDS' zombie-proof system for schools

Effect: +27%

Mayor approves ZDS' zombie-proof system for public facilities

Effect: +28%

NGO supports ZDS' zombie-proof products

Effect: +31%

Local government approves ZDS' zombie-proof products for public facilities

Effect: +36%

ZDS acquires a local zombie-proof producer

Effect: +15%

Mayor endorses ZDS' zombie defense system for public facilities

Effect: +34%

Mayor endorses ZDS' zombie defense products for public facilities

Effect: +12%

Government agency funds ZDS' zombie-proof products

Effect: +24%

Mayor approves ZDS' zombie-proof system for schools

Effect: +28%

New product from ZDS sold out within days

Effect: +35%

New zombie-proof alternative released

Effect: +20%

ZDS wins award for cutting-edge zombie-proof technology

Effect: +41%

New zombie-proof alternative released

Effect: +14%

ZDS partners with another regional zombie defense company

Effect: +18%

New zombie defense alternative released

Effect: +11%

ZDS product proves effective in real-world zombie attacks

Effect: +40%

ZDS hits breach of contract claims from suppliers over product defects

Effect: -27%

ZDS product shows high success rates in real-world zombie attacks

Effect: +79%

New zombie-proof alternative announced

Effect: +15%

ZDS hits lawsuit from suppliers over product defects

Effect: -30%